Amazon Web Services

No matter the industry, the path to transformation is always vulnerable to plenty of risks, such as regulatory, financial, and security threats. AWS services help pharma companies with specific regulations, compliances, and cloud security, thus saving you time, improving quality, and increasing revenue.

Stark Pharma Technology works with various clinical research, pharma, and healthcare companies and provides them with complete GDPR and HIPAA compliance services.

The demand for data analytics and security is only growing with time. With our expertise and unmatched technology solutions, we provide AWS services that businesses cannot afford to overlook.

Our Amazon Web Services include:

Data migration

With solid skills and deep expertise in AWS and other public and private cloud technologies, we develop, migrate and manage cloud environments. Stark Pharma has all the resources and experience to manage and assure consistent and budget-limited solutions.

Disaster recovery

Stark Pharma offers customized backup and storage solutions for all applications and databases. We provide cost and time-friendly cloud-based disaster recovery solutions that guarantee a reliable backup and recovery environment.

Cost optimization

We help our clients maximize the capacity of the cloud with our broad experience and resources available. We enable you to shred the stress of programs such as compliance, administration, and security of cloud infrastructure and save money.